6 Free Tips to make Keywords Work for your blogging success!
Make keywords work for you! This is the real secret to earning a great income from your blog. Use keywords and use them well. Here are 10 free tips to make keywords work for your blogging success.
1. Know What Keywords Are
It might seem a little silly to some, but the truth is that many bloggers just don’t really know what keywords are, so they use them incorrectly all the time. You simply must have a proper understanding of keywords if you’re going to make keywords work for you with any kind of success!
In a nutshell, keywords are words you want people to type into the search window on Google or Bing or any other search engine so that your blog comes up high in the search results. Simple, right?
2. Relevance
Many think that keywords are just what you use to get someone to come to your website to buy a product or service. While that is partly true, it’s also not quite as simple as that.
Keywords are to help people find your site, and, if you’re selling something, to help you get sales. But to make keywords work for you, they also have to be relevant. This means they should relate to the type of blog you publish.
For example, if your blog is all about outdoor living, you would not be trying to sell dental equipment with articles loaded with keywords related to dentistry. Stick to the keywords related to outdoor living!
3. Your niche
Before even trying to choose and make keywords work for your site, choose a niche that you can really work with. Many entrepreneurs get excited about the commission structure and/or profit margins for a product or service they might come across – especially if the ad copy they read is very compelling – but have no knowledge or real interest in that particular niche.
Don’t be one of them! Stick to a niche you can right about with confidence, knowledge, and genuine interest. You will enjoy writing posts for it, and it will show. Your articles will be much more interesting to your readers, and they will be much more likely to come back for more.
4. Make keywords work for you in posts
To make keywords work well for you, it’s important for them to show up several times in your post.
Google or other search engines might choose the keywords from your post anyway. But if the keywords you want them to see are completely relevant, part of the natural flow, and used often enough, they will probably what gets chosen.
5. Don’t go crazy
It used to be thought – indeed, advised – that you should load your keywords into your post as many times as you possibly could.
The result of this thinking was an overwhelming abundance of, frankly, terrible and nearly nonsensical articles. Thankfully, the big search engines are run by smart people, generally, who prefer fine cuts to spam.
Puns aside, the search engines began to notice that the quality of many blog posts was awful. “Bloggers” simply posted nonsense with their keywords repeated over and over and over again. So, the engineers changed their algorithms to label such abuse as spam, which bumped such websites off the engines and out of site.
As a general safe rule, keep your keyword density below 1.5%.
6. Revisit and revise
You wrote a great post a year ago and now it’s old, stale, and forgotten. Oh well… Wait!
Don’t late your great older content disappear into the dust of history. Revisit your old posts from time to time and spend some time thinking about what you wrote. You’ve grown and changed since then – we all do. Maybe you can think of a better what to say what you said then. Maybe you can think of better or more relevant keywords for today.
Maybe it’s time to revise some of your old articles, updating and refreshing them. Maybe you will be inspired to write an entirely fresh article for today!
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