Keywords are the number 1 key to your online success

Keywords are the number 1 key for good SEO (search engine optimization). If you want to rank high on the top search engines, you need to pick the right keywords for your niche.

keyword spy tools
Photo by Sora Shimazaki

But how do you choose the right keywords? What if there are thousands or millions of webpages already optimized with your words?

That’s where you need some help. Knowing how to pick great keywords for your niche is just part of the formula.

The other critical piece is how to hitch your fortunes to keywords other people are already using successfully. This is where keyword spy tools come in. They will help you find words that are being used successfully by other people that you might be able to “steal.”

Of course, we’re not talking about theft or anything illegal. We’re talking about getting people who have been shopping at your competition to notice your “store” standing “right next door.” In other words, when people type in a search term that would normally put your competition a step higher on the search engines, you want your link to come up higher.

This can be done with the right tools.

But this requires research. This is where it pays to take some time to do some reading.

You can spend all kinds of money on key word spy tools sold on slick sites with lots of hype, but they often work poorly, if at all.

It is much more productive to spend the time to read a few inexpensive books and do some digging from there. A few short articles can open the door to a lot of excellent places to look on the search engines.

Why even bother?

Keywords are probably the number 1 most important thing you need to focus on after choosing your niche. Keywords are the way the vast majority of potential customers or clients are going to find you.

If you don’t work on a proper keyword strategy, you are like the person who built a store way down the end of a country side road without putting any signs out at the main highway. You’re hoping they might just find you by accident while touring random backroads. How much sense does that even make?

Keywords are the signposts that tell everyone how to find you. Without them, most people will never find you. With all the possible places to go, no one will even know you exist if you don’t use keywords properly.

But even beyond that, you need to make sure a couple of million other sites pop up along with yours in the search results. That happens all the time. You must be at or very close to the top with your keywords. So, you have to do good research to ensure you’re using a strategy that will get you there.

That’s where it pays to take a good course or read some good material on how to develop your strategy. Keyword spy tools are available that let you find out, quickly, what your competition is doing, so you don’t get buried in the crowd.

So, dig in, do the research, and find out which are the best keyword spy tools in the business, so you can rise to the top!

Increased Domain Authority

Once you start using the right keywords, something very important begins to happen. Your domain authority begins to rise. When your domain authority rises, your keywords gain even more relevance. And when your keywords are more relevant, they are more likely to get clicks from buyers looking for what you have to offer.

So take the time to do your research. Put in the effort. Persistence and hard work will pay off. It may sound like an old cliché, but it takes hard work to prime the pump. Once the pump is primed, the flow comes easy.

What are you doing?

What is your strategy? What keyword spy tools are you using? Please share in the comment section if it’s working for you!

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